Whether we like it or not, we live in a consumerist world. Walk into any shop and you will see aisles of products packaged in single use plastics, as well as many disposable or ‘short-life’ goods. We are constantly being encouraged to buy more than we really need. Our homes are filled with many items that end their days in land-fill (here or abroad), incinerators or in our rivers and oceans
Here in the South Hams there are a number of projects run through our community groups and companies whose volunteers clean up some of this waste, run re-use and recycling projects and also encourage residents and visitors to consider alternatives when purchasing products.
Hopefully some of the projects on this website may provide ideas and inspiration. Many established groups will be more than happy to talk with you about setting up your own project and may be able to share resources to make it easier. Why write a Risk Assessment from scratch when you can probably modify one that is already written?
If you have a project that fits into this category but isn’t listed here please ‘add a project’ so that we can share the good work you are doing.
Get in touch with Ben Bryant, our Saving Earth Resources Mentor, for any further information or advice on ben@sussh.org
Our Community Compost focus is well on the way, with lots of opportunities for those of you wanting to get going with community composting projects.
As part of our mission to connect community groups with support and inspiration, we’ve been expanding our base of mentors to encompass a wide range of knowledge and experience - read on for an introduction to a few of them.
Marldon’s community composting group, supported by Sustainable South Hams, offers a great example of the potential for community composting in the South Hams. Read on to find out more, and to hear about how to register for the many opportunities we are opening up for your community’s composting champions.
Our aim is to focus on the needs of the residents of the village and the surrounding district in the areas of growing crops, recycling (composting, litter picking), wildlife surveys and sources of renewable energy.
Cirl bunting habitat restoration, biodiversity surveys, management plan delivery, woodland management, hedgerow and tree planting and much much more!
We have created a physical climate change response centre on the High Street where people can come to learn about our challenges of climate & ecological breakdown & also find effective ways to respond to these challenges locally with the community.
The Marsh is a thriving community compost group open year-round