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Does Totnes and Bridgetown want community composting facilities?


Basiic Maill iicon
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February 26, 2025

That’s the question a newly formed working group is asking. The facility will enable Totnes residents to drop off their garden waste and also collect processed compost for use on their gardens. Both Totnes Town Council and South Hams District Council are very supportive of the project and some funding will be available to facilitate the set up.

Before the project can fully go ahead, there needs to be a proven need established from local residents, that the facility is required. To this end, a survey questionnaire has been produced and is due to be distributed via the March edition of the Totnes Directory.

The survey can either be filled in and dropped into one of the three stated locations or alternatively it can be completed online. Please complete the survey and also encourage friends and neighbours to also take part. This will be another step towards a more sustainable Totnes. Let us hear your thoughts!

Complete this online survey by 31st March.