Mirella Ferraz
The Network of Wellbeing works to connect people, support projects and inspire action. Mirella coordinates the Network of Wellbeing’s Share Shed – Library of Things, a mobile project that offers people in South Devon the opportunity to borrow useful items at a low cost.
Nicky Scott
Nicky is well known for his expertise around composting and food waste solutions, as well as community gardening, organic growing and meadows.
Eva Stephens
As Sustainable South Brent’s Re-Source Mentor, Eva has a great network to call on for advice and is a passionate compost and recycling advocate. She is able to offer occasional mentoring services, as well as paid Waste Not Want Not workshops demonstrating wax wrap making and training others to make them, as well as upcycling, wormery creation and more.
Melissa Harvey
Melissa is a grower, teacher and composter. She has previously worked with Devon Community Composting Network and Devon County Council supporting the Composing in Schools and community composting projects. She is part of the team that runs School Farm community-supported agriculture (CSA), is one of the facilitators with Growing Devon Schools Partnership, and teaches soil and plant ecology with the Apricot Centre.
Lynda Kelly
Lynda can bring her range of marketing, communications and business experience to small sustainable businesses starting up.
Dave Curno
Dave can offer support with his wide-ranging experience across both marine issues and Ancient & Veteran tree recording.
Ben Bryant
Ben is our mentor with expertise in sustainable use of earth resources. He has a wealth of experience in composting, wild gardening and soil regeneration
Ruth Saunders
Ruth runs a small, local sustainable tourism business and rewilding site and is keen to share her knowledge, offer her support and help facilitate conversations around how we use land to restore and improve biodiversity.