Sustainable South Hams are piloting a project called "Community Action for Climate and Nature: empowering local collaboration for a brighter future". We are looking for communities from across the South Hams to get involved and be part of this exciting programme.
That’s the question a newly formed working group is asking. The facility will enable Totnes residents to drop off their garden waste and also collect processed compost for use on their gardens.
Last week a merry band of 16 community composting enthusiasts from 8 communities across South Hams took a research trip to visit the Loop Frome compost project in Somerset, with the hope of applying what we learnt there to new community projects in South Hams.
Some of our work includes the UK's First River Charter for the Dart at Dartington and (based on the priciples of Doughnut Economics)
Moor Trees grows native broadleaved trees in two South Hams nurseries from seed collected locally by its volunteers for planting in South Devon especially Dartmoor National Park. We campaign for a more nature-rich Dartmoor with temperate rainforest filling its valleys and help organisations elsewhere to copy our model.
Biodynamic Farming, Wellbeing Services for children and families at the edge of potential, Permaculture Design Services for farms and estates in transition to regenerative practices, Education of Regenerative Farmers
Dittiscombe Rewilding offers a great example of how land can be transformed
Transition Streets is an award-winning project that brings neighbours together
Workshops promoting Earth Friendly values around food from the Deer Wood Trust