Education and engagement are vital in tackling climate change. By providing knowledge and awareness about the environment, we empower individuals to make informed decisions and take meaningful action. Engaging people in the climate challenge fosters a sense of responsibility and collective effort, driving positive change for a sustainable future.

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Changing the current on the future of our rivers at the SusSH Rivers Assembly

Changing the current on the future of our rivers at the SusSH Rivers Assembly

The Sustainable South Hams Rivers Assembly, the first of its kind in the UK, saw around 150 project, group and community leaders gather to share knowledge, discuss projects and develop new ideas.

March 21, 2023
Get Inspired about Community Energy

Get Inspired about Community Energy

With rising energy costs and a desire for sustainable solutions, interest in community energy projects is increasing rapidly. Two great opportunities to build your knowledge are coming up soon: the SusSH Energy Focus Group Leaders’ Gathering, and the Community Energy Spring Gathering with Devon Community Energy Network (DCEN).‍

February 24, 2023
Considering Food Waste on Community Fridge Tour

Considering Food Waste on Community Fridge Tour

Our recent Community Fridge Tour event offered a fantastic opportunity for attendees to learn more about how to get community fridge projects off the ground, and how to start tackling food waste in your area.

February 22, 2023


Bioregional Learning Centre

Bioregional Learning Centre

Some of our work includes the UK's First River Charter for the Dart at Dartington and (based on the priciples of Doughnut Economics)

Less than 5
Project Cost
Apricot Centre CIC - Biodynamic Farm and Wellbeing Service

Apricot Centre CIC - Biodynamic Farm and Wellbeing Service

Biodynamic Farming, Wellbeing Services for children and families at the edge of potential, Permaculture Design Services for farms and estates in transition to regenerative practices, Education of Regenerative Farmers

Less than 5
Project Cost
Moor Imagination Collective

Moor Imagination Collective

Moor Imagination Collective has been created to facilitate the acquisition, development and running of Buckfastleigh Methodist Church as a community hub.

Project Cost


Support a thriving population of a re-introduced species

Support a thriving population of a re-introduced species

The Gara Water Vole Reintroduction Project is an exciting reintroduction project

£5k - £50k
Project Cost
Create Climate & Nature Lending Library

Create Climate & Nature Lending Library

ReUsing the Big Red Telephone Box as lending library for climate & nature books

Project Cost
Use Citizen Science to Record Wildlife

Use Citizen Science to Record Wildlife

Ugborough's citizen science project uses the iNaturalist app to record wildlife

Project Cost