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Calculate and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint


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Calculate and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint Calculators: We offer 3 personal carbon footprint calculators free of charge to help people understand their own carbon footprint and suggest the most effective ways to reduce it.


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Project state

Up and running



Key objectives

To support people in their intentions to save carbon by offering 3 steps: Calculate your personal carbon footprint and quality of life; Take one or two actions in order to reduce it by 8% per year (choose the action which feels easiest for you); Measure it again one year later to see your progress. We offer tips and advice on how to most effectively reduce your carbon footprint - and save money too!

Key learnings

It is vital for people to be able to understand their carbon footprint and feel empowered that they can change it. We need to understand the volume of CO2e emissions in a similar way that people understand the value of money. Once they have calculated their footprint, people need ongoing support in order to be able to make changes in their lifestyles.

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