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Compost, Councils and Energy: Our New Special Interest Groups

Compost, Councils and Energy: Our New Special Interest Groups

Three new Special Interest Groups had their founding meetings at the Sustainable South Hams Assembly. Focusing on Community Composting, Community Renewable Energy, and Parish & Town Councils, the groups offer a chance to develop ideas, create projects and meet enthusiastic and like-minded people.

October 17, 2022
Sparking Ideas at the Sustainable South Hams Assembly

Sparking Ideas at the Sustainable South Hams Assembly

A fantastic turnout at the Sustainable South Hams Assembly made the event a day of valuable learning, knowledge sharing and networking.

October 13, 2022
Event: Brimridge - A Nature Reserve in the Making with Devon Wildlife Trust

Event: Brimridge - A Nature Reserve in the Making with Devon Wildlife Trust

Our field trip to visit Brimridge's fifty acres of grassland in the process of being rewilded offered some great insights into wildflower meadow creation, building biodiversity and conservation grazing.

September 30, 2022


Sustainable Harbourne Valley

Sustainable Harbourne Valley

Supporting nature-friendly gardens and households; talks/discussion programme; supporting management of churchyards & playing fields for nature; Fruit Corner (community fruit trees/wildflowers); micro tree nursery; seed/plant exchange stall; Sow Grow Show food growing project; Give & Take reuse & exchange day; engagement with local school; supporting river monitoring.

Community Association
Project Cost
Yealm Alliance

Yealm Alliance

Community Renewable Energy, Public engagement, cooperation between parishes, nature conservation and biodiversity enhancement projects.

Parish Council working group
Project Cost
Transition Town Totnes

Transition Town Totnes

Transition Streets - a community-focussed initiative supporting social cohesion, carbon reduction, and energy saving; Incredible Edible Totnes - supporting local and accessible food growing in public spaces; Totnes Climate Hub - a public space for creating community support and local responses to our global challenges; REconomy Project - a project inspiring economic regeneration locally; Time to Breathe - a meditative space for personal wellbeing support

Project Cost


See the Possibilities of Long-Term Rewilding

See the Possibilities of Long-Term Rewilding

Dittiscombe Rewilding offers a great example of how land can be transformed

£5k - £50k
Project Cost
Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Devon Wildlife Trust offers awards to gardens that support wildlife

Project Cost
Encourage Wellbeing Through Engagement with Nature

Encourage Wellbeing Through Engagement with Nature

Sturtlebury Woods and Ponds have been developed to bring people closer to nature

£5k - £50k
Project Cost