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Future Landscape for the South Hams: Why wildlife needs our help

Future Landscape for the South Hams: Why wildlife needs our help

Lynne Kenderdine, Land Management Advisory Officer at Devon Wildlife Trust, offers a vision for the South Hams's wildlife in this guest article.

September 17, 2022
Event: The Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm

Event: The Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm

July's Sustainable South Hams event saw a group visit the Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm to find out more about the important work in permaculture design and regenerative agriculture taking place there.

July 13, 2022
Our new website is live!

Our new website is live!

Join our mailing list to receive our monthly newsletter and learn about what community groups in the South Hams have been doing. Find out about future events and meetings, and gain insight from the latest news and resources.

July 6, 2022


The Habitat Group

The Habitat Group

Producing and distributing the Gardening for Wildlife booklet and enabling other groups to print and distribute it. Reintroducing Water Voles to the River Gara. Widespread planting of Nottingham Catchfly plants to save the White Spot moth from extinction. Mapping wildlife friendly gardens/fields etc to create the People's National Park. Find out more on the website and by joining the Habitat Whatsapp and email groups.

Informal Network
Project Cost
Westcountry Rivers Trust

Westcountry Rivers Trust

We have been restoring and protecting freshwater environments in the Westcountry for more than 25 years. Our Mission is to restore and protect the rivers, lakes, and estuaries of the Westcountry for the benefit of nature, people, and local economies. Our Vision is to see people helping our Westcountry rivers flow freely and teem with life and valuing our vital natural resource, water.

Project Cost
Devon Wildlife Trust Wilder Communities Team

Devon Wildlife Trust Wilder Communities Team

Wilder Communities advice; Wilder Communities Award (coming soon); Wildlife Gardening Award

Project Cost


Clean and Survey Your Local Beach

Clean and Survey Your Local Beach

Hope Cove and Soar Mill beach cleans and beach surveys with SMASH

Project Cost
Connect Communities to Take Practical Carbon Saving Action

Connect Communities to Take Practical Carbon Saving Action

Transition Streets is an award-winning project that brings neighbours together

Project Cost
Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Devon Wildlife Trust offers awards to gardens that support wildlife

Project Cost