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Planning for a Nature-Friendly Future at the Devon Local Nature Partnership Conference

Planning for a Nature-Friendly Future at the Devon Local Nature Partnership Conference

The 2023 Devon Local Nature Partnership (LNP) Conference centred around identifying priorities and actions for the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS).With around 200 attendees, the LNP conference was a wonderful opportunity for those working across the spectrum of environmental organisations in Devon to connect, collaborate and develop ideas.

June 21, 2023
Discussing Scaling Earth Resource Management at June Gathering

Discussing Scaling Earth Resource Management at June Gathering

June's SusSH Group Leaders' Meeting saw a great turnout of leaders from across the South Hams discussing how we can move forward with projects around sharing, repairing, reducing and reusing.

June 18, 2023
Contribute to Crucial Climate Adaptation Strategy

Contribute to Crucial Climate Adaptation Strategy

Input from your group is invited to help shape the Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (DCIoS) Climate Adaptation Strategy. This strategy aims to help communities and organisations understand the risks associated with climate change and to explore ways to mitigate them.

May 31, 2023


Westcountry Rivers Trust

Westcountry Rivers Trust

We have been restoring and protecting freshwater environments in the Westcountry for more than 25 years. Our Mission is to restore and protect the rivers, lakes, and estuaries of the Westcountry for the benefit of nature, people, and local economies. Our Vision is to see people helping our Westcountry rivers flow freely and teem with life and valuing our vital natural resource, water.

Project Cost
Devon Wildlife Trust Wilder Communities Team

Devon Wildlife Trust Wilder Communities Team

Wilder Communities advice; Wilder Communities Award (coming soon); Wildlife Gardening Award

Project Cost
South Milton Climate And Nature Action

South Milton Climate And Nature Action

Bat conservation, hedgehog conservation, engaging with local landowners, home energy saving, exploring renewable energy generation

Informal Network
Project Cost


Clean and Survey Your Local Beach

Clean and Survey Your Local Beach

Hope Cove and Soar Mill beach cleans and beach surveys with SMASH

Project Cost
Grow and plant native trees

Grow and plant native trees

Moor Trees grows native broadleaved trees in South Hams

£50k +
Project Cost
Protect Our Rivers' Health with Citizen Science

Protect Our Rivers' Health with Citizen Science

Contribute to the resilience of our region's rivers, their habitats and wildlife

£50k +
Project Cost