Education and engagement are vital in tackling climate change. By providing knowledge and awareness about the environment, we empower individuals to make informed decisions and take meaningful action. Engaging people in the climate challenge fosters a sense of responsibility and collective effort, driving positive change for a sustainable future.
To make sure we're helping you connect to each other, network and learn together, we’re changing up the way we communicate. Find out more and decide which way of hearing from us works best for you.
The first ever Planet Local festival will ask consumers in the South Hams to pause before they buy this Christmas to consider the impact of their purchases on nature and our climate.
We had another great turnout for our field trip to Hillside near Tuckenhay to look at the creation of wildlife corridors on a 22-acre site.
• Roadside Verge project- restoration of sp-rich habitat on selected verges and council owned green space • Buckfastleigh Nature Network Project (Lottery funded) - creating a network of people and green spaces managed for nature with underpinning carbon messaging • Trinity Church - Haven for Wildlife (Primarily a Wild flower meadow and swift box project)
We have been restoring and protecting freshwater environments in the Westcountry for more than 25 years. Our Mission is to restore and protect the rivers, lakes, and estuaries of the Westcountry for the benefit of nature, people, and local economies. Our Vision is to see people helping our Westcountry rivers flow freely and teem with life and valuing our vital natural resource, water.
Ugborough's citizen science project uses the iNaturalist app to record wildlife
Devon Living Churchyards Project encourages churches to support wildlife
Contribute to the resilience of our region's rivers, their habitats and wildlife