Around forty relevant local food producers, distributors, software specialists and marketeers attended the Keep It Local Symposium on Friday 10th November at Follaton House in Totnes. They were invited by South Hams District Council to the event, facilitated by SusSH, with the intention of bringing together expertise and experience around the challenges of selling locally and the potential solutions.
Building on June’s conversation around Scaling Earth Resources, the November Change Makers’ Meeting introduced a series of community composting projects currently in development by Sustainable South Hams, in partnership with Devon Community Composting Network and South Hams District Council.
Our new Change Makers Gatherings got off to a strong start with an online session discussing South Hams District Council’s new draft Corporate Strategy for Climate & Nature.
Nature Recovery / Nature Conservation Training (young adults).
Engaging residents and visitors to conserve, enhance, and and value the South Devon National Landscape. Projects include Farming in Protected Landscapes, Access for All, biodiversity projects in the estuaries, coast, and landscape including Life on the Edge - restoring coastal species-rich grasslands for endangered invertebrates.
Some of our work includes the UK's First River Charter for the Dart at Dartington and (based on the priciples of Doughnut Economics)
Dittiscombe Rewilding offers a great example of how land can be transformed
Devon Wildlife Trust offers awards to gardens that support wildlife
Village summer Fair for South Brent with a focus on sustainability