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Discussing Scaling Earth Resource Management at June Gathering

Discussing Scaling Earth Resource Management at June Gathering

June's SusSH Group Leaders' Meeting saw a great turnout of leaders from across the South Hams discussing how we can move forward with projects around sharing, repairing, reducing and reusing.

June 18, 2023
Contribute to Crucial Climate Adaptation Strategy

Contribute to Crucial Climate Adaptation Strategy

Input from your group is invited to help shape the Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (DCIoS) Climate Adaptation Strategy. This strategy aims to help communities and organisations understand the risks associated with climate change and to explore ways to mitigate them.

May 31, 2023
What's Happened Since the SusSH Rivers Assembly?

What's Happened Since the SusSH Rivers Assembly?

The Sustainable South Hams Rivers Assembly this March was a fantastic opportunity for making new connections and sparking new projects. Find out a bit more about some of the outcomes from the Assembly in the two months since.

May 25, 2023


Bioregional Learning Centre

Bioregional Learning Centre

Some of our work includes the UK's First River Charter for the Dart at Dartington and devondoughnut.org (based on the priciples of Doughnut Economics)

Less than 5
Project Cost
Moor Trees

Moor Trees

Moor Trees grows native broadleaved trees in two South Hams nurseries from seed collected locally by its volunteers for planting in South Devon especially Dartmoor National Park. We campaign for a more nature-rich Dartmoor with temperate rainforest filling its valleys and help organisations elsewhere to copy our model.

Project Cost
Apricot Centre CIC - Biodynamic Farm and Wellbeing Service

Apricot Centre CIC - Biodynamic Farm and Wellbeing Service

Biodynamic Farming, Wellbeing Services for children and families at the edge of potential, Permaculture Design Services for farms and estates in transition to regenerative practices, Education of Regenerative Farmers

Less than 5
Project Cost


See the Possibilities of Long-Term Rewilding

See the Possibilities of Long-Term Rewilding

Dittiscombe Rewilding offers a great example of how land can be transformed

£5k - £50k
Project Cost
Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Devon Wildlife Trust offers awards to gardens that support wildlife

Project Cost
Protect Our Rivers' Health with Citizen Science

Protect Our Rivers' Health with Citizen Science

Contribute to the resilience of our region's rivers, their habitats and wildlife

£50k +
Project Cost