Sustainable South Hams hosted a deep dive into community composting at a recent two-day long masterclass held in South Brent.
The Bioregional Learning Centre in partnership with South Hams District Council are hosting a week-long Climate Adaption Journey to kick-start a conversation between citizens and policy-makers on designing a joined-up action plan for climate change.
As part of our mission to connect community groups with support and inspiration, we’ve been expanding our base of mentors to encompass a wide range of knowledge and experience - read on for an introduction to a few of them.
Supporting nature-friendly gardens and households; talks/discussion programme; supporting management of churchyards & playing fields for nature; Fruit Corner (community fruit trees/wildflowers); micro tree nursery; seed/plant exchange stall; Sow Grow Show food growing project; Give & Take reuse & exchange day; engagement with local school; supporting river monitoring.
Community Renewable Energy, Public engagement, cooperation between parishes, nature conservation and biodiversity enhancement projects.
Transition Streets - a community-focussed initiative supporting social cohesion, carbon reduction, and energy saving; Incredible Edible Totnes - supporting local and accessible food growing in public spaces; Totnes Climate Hub - a public space for creating community support and local responses to our global challenges; REconomy Project - a project inspiring economic regeneration locally; Time to Breathe - a meditative space for personal wellbeing support
Workshops promoting Earth Friendly values around food from the Deer Wood Trust
Dittiscombe Rewilding offers a great example of how land can be transformed
A joint project led by SMASH with speakers, stalls and networking opportunities