Three new Special Interest Groups had their founding meetings at the Sustainable South Hams Assembly. Focusing on Community Composting, Community Renewable Energy, and Parish & Town Councils, the groups offer a chance to develop ideas, create projects and meet enthusiastic and like-minded people.
A fantastic turnout at the Sustainable South Hams Assembly made the event a day of valuable learning, knowledge sharing and networking.
Our field trip to visit Brimridge's fifty acres of grassland in the process of being rewilded offered some great insights into wildflower meadow creation, building biodiversity and conservation grazing.
Cirl bunting habitat restoration, biodiversity surveys, management plan delivery, woodland management, hedgerow and tree planting and much much more!
Moor Trees grows native broadleaved trees in South Hams
A joint project led by SMASH with speakers, stalls and networking opportunities
How Tallet Meadow Farm turned pasture land into productive orchards.