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Talk Dirty To Me… at our Community Compost Gathering!

Talk Dirty To Me… at our Community Compost Gathering!

Mentor Eva Stephens introduces our upcoming Community Compost Gathering, her warm-up session at Sustainable South Hams Assembly and the composting support offered by South Hams District Council.

September 20, 2022
Future Landscape for the South Hams: Why wildlife needs our help

Future Landscape for the South Hams: Why wildlife needs our help

Lynne Kenderdine, Land Management Advisory Officer at Devon Wildlife Trust, offers a vision for the South Hams's wildlife in this guest article.

September 17, 2022
Event: The Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm

Event: The Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm

July's Sustainable South Hams event saw a group visit the Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm to find out more about the important work in permaculture design and regenerative agriculture taking place there.

July 13, 2022


Dittisham Parish Council Working Group

Dittisham Parish Council Working Group

We have declared a climate & environmental emergency, we voted that we would consider the climate & environment in every decision and action, we have embedded that within our formal process and hire agreements, etc, we created an ongoing phased Habitat Plan to improve biodiversity on land we own or manage, and we are working on a wider Climate & Environment Plan.

Parish Council working group
Project Cost
Devon Energy Collective

Devon Energy Collective

Our aim is to take action to address the climate emergency and to deliver the Devon Carbon Plan by creating a Devon that runs entirely on green energy. We believe that, rather than buying power from outside the country, we can produce clean, locally owned energy here in Devon. This will significantly boost our local economy, retaining approximately £1.76 billion in our county and creating a local industry and jobs across the region.

Project Cost
Sustainable Harbourne Valley

Sustainable Harbourne Valley

Supporting nature-friendly gardens and households; talks/discussion programme; supporting management of churchyards & playing fields for nature; Fruit Corner (community fruit trees/wildflowers); micro tree nursery; seed/plant exchange stall; Sow Grow Show food growing project; Give & Take reuse & exchange day; engagement with local school; supporting river monitoring.

Community Association
Project Cost


Encourage Wellbeing Through Engagement with Nature

Encourage Wellbeing Through Engagement with Nature

Sturtlebury Woods and Ponds have been developed to bring people closer to nature

£5k - £50k
Project Cost