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How to Help Your River: Bathing Water Status

How to Help Your River: Bathing Water Status

River water quality may have been the scandal of this year but it’s still shocking that out of 200,000km of English rivers, there are only a couple of hundred metres that are deemed officially safe to swim in. Journalist Jack Thompson explains more, and talks with grassroots community group Friends of the River Dart.

August 25, 2023
Easy Ways to Make a Change

Easy Ways to Make a Change

Summer can be a tricky time to keep the momentum for your environmental work going. So, as we approach the end of August, we’ve put together a list of a few ways to develop your personal climate and nature actions and get things moving again!

August 21, 2023
Working Together for Climate and Nature: SusSH and South Hams District Council

Working Together for Climate and Nature: SusSH and South Hams District Council

Sustainable South Hams are excited to be collaborating with South Hams District Council to assist in delivering their ambitious climate and biodiversity plans. With climate change and biodiversity issues high on the agenda for the new District Council administration, core funding has been pledged to assist Sustainable South Hams in our work inspiring, connecting and supporting local nature and climate action.

June 30, 2023


Sustainable Harbourne Valley

Sustainable Harbourne Valley

Supporting nature-friendly gardens and households; talks/discussion programme; supporting management of churchyards & playing fields for nature; Fruit Corner (community fruit trees/wildflowers); micro tree nursery; seed/plant exchange stall; Sow Grow Show food growing project; Give & Take reuse & exchange day; engagement with local school; supporting river monitoring.

Community Association
Project Cost
Yealm Alliance

Yealm Alliance

Community Renewable Energy, Public engagement, cooperation between parishes, nature conservation and biodiversity enhancement projects.

Parish Council working group
Project Cost
Transition Town Totnes

Transition Town Totnes

Transition Streets - a community-focussed initiative supporting social cohesion, carbon reduction, and energy saving; Incredible Edible Totnes - supporting local and accessible food growing in public spaces; Totnes Climate Hub - a public space for creating community support and local responses to our global challenges; REconomy Project - a project inspiring economic regeneration locally; Time to Breathe - a meditative space for personal wellbeing support

Project Cost


Host Climate and Nature Event with Local Sustainability Groups

Host Climate and Nature Event with Local Sustainability Groups

A joint project led by SMASH with speakers, stalls and networking opportunities

Project Cost
Encourage Wellbeing Through Engagement with Nature

Encourage Wellbeing Through Engagement with Nature

Sturtlebury Woods and Ponds have been developed to bring people closer to nature

£5k - £50k
Project Cost
Clean and Survey Your Local Beach

Clean and Survey Your Local Beach

Hope Cove and Soar Mill beach cleans and beach surveys with SMASH

Project Cost