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Join Our New Mentor for Compost-Based Conversation

Join Our New Mentor for Compost-Based Conversation

Wednesday's SusSH Group Leaders' Meeting will offer all the usual chances for conversation and cake, but will also be a chance to meet our new compost mentor, Ben Bryant. Read Ben's introduction to community composting and his own work.

January 9, 2023
Sustainable South Hams in 2022

Sustainable South Hams in 2022

Happy New Year from the Sustainable South Hams team! To celebrate, we've put together a collection of some of our activities over the last year. Thank you so much to all of you who have supported SusSH, joined in our events and brought your own passion, drive and enthusiasm to sustainability in the South Hams.

December 31, 2022
Small Businesses, Shopping & Sustainability at Planet Local!

Small Businesses, Shopping & Sustainability at Planet Local!

The first ever Planet Local brought together amazing sustainable local businesses from across the South Hams, and provided a wonderful template for future similar events.

December 7, 2022


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Nature Recovery / Nature Conservation Training (young adults).

Project Cost
South Devon National Landscape

South Devon National Landscape

Engaging residents and visitors to conserve, enhance, and and value the South Devon National Landscape. Projects include Farming in Protected Landscapes, Access for All, biodiversity projects in the estuaries, coast, and landscape including Life on the Edge - restoring coastal species-rich grasslands for endangered invertebrates.

Project Cost
Bioregional Learning Centre

Bioregional Learning Centre

Some of our work includes the UK's First River Charter for the Dart at Dartington and devondoughnut.org (based on the priciples of Doughnut Economics)

Less than 5
Project Cost


Create a Wildlife Corridor Along a River

Create a Wildlife Corridor Along a River

Yealm Estuary Moor aims to improve the health & biodiversity of the River Yealm

Project Cost
Connect Communities to Take Practical Carbon Saving Action

Connect Communities to Take Practical Carbon Saving Action

Transition Streets is an award-winning project that brings neighbours together

Project Cost
Grow and plant native trees

Grow and plant native trees

Moor Trees grows native broadleaved trees in South Hams

£50k +
Project Cost