Wednesday's SusSH Group Leaders' Meeting will offer all the usual chances for conversation and cake, but will also be a chance to meet our new compost mentor, Ben Bryant. Read Ben's introduction to community composting and his own work.
Happy New Year from the Sustainable South Hams team! To celebrate, we've put together a collection of some of our activities over the last year. Thank you so much to all of you who have supported SusSH, joined in our events and brought your own passion, drive and enthusiasm to sustainability in the South Hams.
The first ever Planet Local brought together amazing sustainable local businesses from across the South Hams, and provided a wonderful template for future similar events.
Woodland restoration project managed for community and ecological benefit
Carbon Literacy Project, Arocha Eco-Church, Arocha Eco-Diocese, Living Churchyards program, Action Plan to Net Zero Carbon, marine conservation toolkit. To find out more, you can visit our webpage, social media channels, sign up to our mailing list, email us, or speak to someone in your local CofE church! We would love to hear from you.
Producing and distributing the Gardening for Wildlife booklet and enabling other groups to print and distribute it. Reintroducing Water Voles to the River Gara. Widespread planting of Nottingham Catchfly plants to save the White Spot moth from extinction. Mapping wildlife friendly gardens/fields etc to create the People's National Park. Find out more on the website and by joining the Habitat Whatsapp and email groups.
Transition Streets is an award-winning project that brings neighbours together
Hope Cove and Soar Mill beach cleans and beach surveys with SMASH
Workshops promoting Earth Friendly values around food from the Deer Wood Trust