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The State of the South Hams' Rivers

The State of the South Hams' Rivers

With the Sustainable South Hams Rivers Assembly coming up in less than a month, find out more about the current state of our rivers, the challenges we are facing and the actions we can take to help make the South Hams’ rivers some of the cleanest and most wildlife friendly in the country.

February 28, 2023
Considering Food Waste on Community Fridge Tour

Considering Food Waste on Community Fridge Tour

Our recent Community Fridge Tour event offered a fantastic opportunity for attendees to learn more about how to get community fridge projects off the ground, and how to start tackling food waste in your area.

February 22, 2023
Join us at the SusSH Rivers Assembly

Join us at the SusSH Rivers Assembly

Following the success of last year's Sustainable South Hams Assembly, we're excited to announce that our first subject-specific Assembly will be taking place in March, focusing on Rivers.

February 15, 2023


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Holbeton Parish Council Climate Change subcommittee

Holbeton Parish Council Climate Change subcommittee

Parish Council working group
Project Cost
Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve (Field Studies Council)

Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve (Field Studies Council)

Cirl bunting habitat restoration, biodiversity surveys, management plan delivery, woodland management, hedgerow and tree planting and much much more!

Project Cost
Totnes Climate Hub

Totnes Climate Hub

We have created a physical climate change response centre on the High Street where people can come to learn about our challenges of climate & ecological breakdown & also find effective ways to respond to these challenges locally with the community.

Project Cost


Host Climate and Nature Event with Local Sustainability Groups

Host Climate and Nature Event with Local Sustainability Groups

A joint project led by SMASH with speakers, stalls and networking opportunities

Project Cost
Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Devon Wildlife Trust offers awards to gardens that support wildlife

Project Cost
Promote Earth Friendly Values Around Our Food

Promote Earth Friendly Values Around Our Food

Workshops promoting Earth Friendly values around food from the Deer Wood Trust

£5k - £50k
Project Cost