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Sustainable South Hams in 2023

Sustainable South Hams in 2023

Our recent Christmas Celebration gave us the chance to hear about some of your proudest achievements from 2023, and was also a reminder of how much has happened for Sustainable South Hams in the last year! Read on for a round up of where we’re at now, what we’re looking forward to, and the wide range of things we’ve been up to.

December 22, 2023
Key Conversations at 'Keep It Local'

Key Conversations at 'Keep It Local'

Around forty relevant local food producers, distributors, software specialists and marketeers attended the Keep It Local Symposium on Friday 10th November at Follaton House in Totnes. They were invited by South Hams District Council to the event, facilitated by SusSH, with the intention of bringing together expertise and experience around the challenges of selling locally and the potential solutions.

November 20, 2023
Get Involved with our Composting Pilot Series

Get Involved with our Composting Pilot Series

Building on June’s conversation around Scaling Earth Resources, the November Change Makers’ Meeting introduced a series of community composting projects currently in development by Sustainable South Hams, in partnership with Devon Community Composting Network and South Hams District Council.

November 12, 2023


Til the Coast is Clear

Til the Coast is Clear

Plastic pollution recovery (Till the Coast is Clear), nature regeneration (Force4Nature) Community engagement & education (The Dolphin Project)

Project Cost


Nature Recovery / Nature Conservation Training (young adults).

Project Cost
South Devon National Landscape

South Devon National Landscape

Engaging residents and visitors to conserve, enhance, and and value the South Devon National Landscape. Projects include Farming in Protected Landscapes, Access for All, biodiversity projects in the estuaries, coast, and landscape including Life on the Edge - restoring coastal species-rich grasslands for endangered invertebrates.

Project Cost


Tackle Food Waste with a Community Fridge

Tackle Food Waste with a Community Fridge

South Brent Community Fridge prevents food waste & helps with cost of living

Project Cost
Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Devon Wildlife Trust offers awards to gardens that support wildlife

Project Cost
Encourage Biodiversity Profitably

Encourage Biodiversity Profitably

How Tallet Meadow Farm turned pasture land into productive orchards.

£5k - £50k
Project Cost