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Community Composting - a Whistle Stop Tour and Home Compost Demo Site

Community Composting - a Whistle Stop Tour and Home Compost Demo Site

Often the Sustainable South Hams compost mentors will come out to communities to share the love for compost, but last week, a group of compost enthusiasts from Dartmouth and Totnes did a tour around several of the fabulous community sites that exist in the South Hams.

August 27, 2024
Street Compost Club Looks for Pilot Sites

Street Compost Club Looks for Pilot Sites

Street Compost Club is a new project that brings neighbours together to collectively create compost from their food waste in a fun, practical and hygienic way, which can then be used in their gardens and planters to grow more food and flowers.

August 27, 2024
Take a Climate Adaption Journey with the Bioregional Learning Centre

Take a Climate Adaption Journey with the Bioregional Learning Centre

The Bioregional Learning Centre in partnership with South Hams District Council are hosting a week-long Climate Adaption Journey to kick-start a conversation between citizens and policy-makers on designing a joined-up action plan for climate change. 

May 6, 2024


The Habitat Group

The Habitat Group

Producing and distributing the Gardening for Wildlife booklet and enabling other groups to print and distribute it. Reintroducing Water Voles to the River Gara. Widespread planting of Nottingham Catchfly plants to save the White Spot moth from extinction. Mapping wildlife friendly gardens/fields etc to create the People's National Park. Find out more on the website and by joining the Habitat Whatsapp and email groups.

Informal Network
Project Cost
Westcountry Rivers Trust

Westcountry Rivers Trust

We have been restoring and protecting freshwater environments in the Westcountry for more than 25 years. Our Mission is to restore and protect the rivers, lakes, and estuaries of the Westcountry for the benefit of nature, people, and local economies. Our Vision is to see people helping our Westcountry rivers flow freely and teem with life and valuing our vital natural resource, water.

Project Cost
Devon Wildlife Trust Wilder Communities Team

Devon Wildlife Trust Wilder Communities Team

Wilder Communities advice; Wilder Communities Award (coming soon); Wildlife Gardening Award

Project Cost


Tackle Food Waste with a Community Fridge

Tackle Food Waste with a Community Fridge

South Brent Community Fridge prevents food waste & helps with cost of living

Project Cost
Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Devon Wildlife Trust offers awards to gardens that support wildlife

Project Cost
Encourage Biodiversity Profitably

Encourage Biodiversity Profitably

How Tallet Meadow Farm turned pasture land into productive orchards.

£5k - £50k
Project Cost