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Buckfastleigh West

Discover local nature and climate groups and find out what your community is doing to reduce its carbon footprint and promote nature.

Buckfastleigh Action for Nature Group

Buckfastleigh Action for Nature Group

• Roadside Verge project- restoration of sp-rich habitat on selected verges and council owned green space • Buckfastleigh Nature Network Project (Lottery funded) - creating a network of people and green spaces managed for nature with underpinning carbon messaging • Trinity Church - Haven for Wildlife (Primarily a Wild flower meadow and swift box project)

Project Cost
Devon Wildlife Trust Wilder Communities Team

Devon Wildlife Trust Wilder Communities Team

Wilder Communities advice; Wilder Communities Award (coming soon); Wildlife Gardening Award

Project Cost
Diocese of Exeter

Diocese of Exeter

Carbon Literacy Project, Arocha Eco-Church, Arocha Eco-Diocese, Living Churchyards program, Action Plan to Net Zero Carbon, marine conservation toolkit. To find out more, you can visit our webpage, social media channels, sign up to our mailing list, email us, or speak to someone in your local CofE church! We would love to hear from you.

Less than 5
Project Cost

Local Projects

Living Churchyards: Protect Wildlife in Your Local Churchyard

Living Churchyards: Protect Wildlife in Your Local Churchyard

Devon Living Churchyards Project encourages churches to support wildlife

£50k +
Project Cost
Protect Our Rivers' Health with Citizen Science

Protect Our Rivers' Health with Citizen Science

Contribute to the resilience of our region's rivers, their habitats and wildlife

£50k +
Project Cost
Calculate and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Calculate and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Providing tools to help people understand their own carbon footprint

Local Events

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