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Discover local nature and climate groups and find out what your community is doing to reduce its carbon footprint and promote nature.

Devon Energy Collective

Devon Energy Collective

Our aim is to take action to address the climate emergency and to deliver the Devon Carbon Plan by creating a Devon that runs entirely on green energy. We believe that, rather than buying power from outside the country, we can produce clean, locally owned energy here in Devon. This will significantly boost our local economy, retaining approximately £1.76 billion in our county and creating a local industry and jobs across the region.

Project Cost
Carbon Savvy

Carbon Savvy

Three personal carbon footprint calculators free of charge to help people understand their own carbon footprint and suggest the most effective ways to reduce it; Carbon Ambassadors Live online course: 8 sessions over 8 weeks (this has run three times). A comprehensive guide to carbon footprinting, with guest speakers; Carbon Savers bite-sized course: New course launching in October - 15 minute video sessions with accompanying materials, run once a month for ten months.

Project Cost
Sustainable Dittisham (SusDit)

Sustainable Dittisham (SusDit)

Habitat Review in progress, which has mapped the land owned or managed by the Parish Council, made suggestions for changes to the maintenance schedule and made suggestions for habitat enhancements. This will not only enhance the biodiversity of the area, but should also represent a year-on-year saving to maintenance costs. SusDit are members of DCEN - Devon Community Energy Network

Parish Council working group
Project Cost

Local Projects

Protect Our Rivers' Health with Citizen Science

Protect Our Rivers' Health with Citizen Science

Contribute to the resilience of our region's rivers, their habitats and wildlife

£50k +
Project Cost
Support a thriving population of a re-introduced species

Support a thriving population of a re-introduced species

The Gara Water Vole Reintroduction Project is an exciting reintroduction project

£5k - £50k
Project Cost
Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Devon Wildlife Trust offers awards to gardens that support wildlife

Project Cost

Local Events

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