Dittiscombe Estate has recently taken on two pigs to help their conservation efforts.
Sune Nightingale, Chair for Dittisham Parish Council and Energy Mentor for Sustainable South Hams gave a keynote presentation at the Symposium on practical ways that councillors can assist their local community groups and provide support for projects taking action for climate and nature.
Nature Recovery / Nature Conservation Training (young adults).
Engaging residents and visitors to conserve, enhance, and and value the South Devon National Landscape. Projects include Farming in Protected Landscapes, Access for All, biodiversity projects in the estuaries, coast, and landscape including Life on the Edge - restoring coastal species-rich grasslands for endangered invertebrates.
Some of our work includes the UK's First River Charter for the Dart at Dartington and devondoughnut.org (based on the priciples of Doughnut Economics)
Contribute to the resilience of our region's rivers, their habitats and wildlife