Sustainable South Hams are piloting a project called "Community Action for Climate and Nature: empowering local collaboration for a brighter future". We are looking for communities from across the South Hams to get involved and be part of this exciting programme.
That’s the question a newly formed working group is asking. The facility will enable Totnes residents to drop off their garden waste and also collect processed compost for use on their gardens.
Last week a merry band of 16 community composting enthusiasts from 8 communities across South Hams took a research trip to visit the Loop Frome compost project in Somerset, with the hope of applying what we learnt there to new community projects in South Hams.
Supporting nature-friendly gardens and households; talks/discussion programme; supporting management of churchyards & playing fields for nature; Fruit Corner (community fruit trees/wildflowers); micro tree nursery; seed/plant exchange stall; Sow Grow Show food growing project; Give & Take reuse & exchange day; engagement with local school; supporting river monitoring.
Community Renewable Energy, Public engagement, cooperation between parishes, nature conservation and biodiversity enhancement projects.
Transition Streets - a community-focussed initiative supporting social cohesion, carbon reduction, and energy saving; Incredible Edible Totnes - supporting local and accessible food growing in public spaces; Totnes Climate Hub - a public space for creating community support and local responses to our global challenges; REconomy Project - a project inspiring economic regeneration locally; Time to Breathe - a meditative space for personal wellbeing support
Dittiscombe Rewilding offers a great example of how land can be transformed
Transition Streets is an award-winning project that brings neighbours together
Workshops promoting Earth Friendly values around food from the Deer Wood Trust