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Talk Dirty To Me… at our Community Compost Gathering!

Talk Dirty To Me… at our Community Compost Gathering!

Mentor Eva Stephens introduces our upcoming Community Compost Gathering, her warm-up session at Sustainable South Hams Assembly and the composting support offered by South Hams District Council.

September 20, 2022
Future Landscape for the South Hams: Why wildlife needs our help

Future Landscape for the South Hams: Why wildlife needs our help

Lynne Kenderdine, Land Management Advisory Officer at Devon Wildlife Trust, offers a vision for the South Hams's wildlife in this guest article.

September 17, 2022
Event: The Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm

Event: The Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm

July's Sustainable South Hams event saw a group visit the Apricot Centre at Huxhams Cross Farm to find out more about the important work in permaculture design and regenerative agriculture taking place there.

July 13, 2022




Nature Recovery / Nature Conservation Training (young adults).

Project Cost
South Devon National Landscape

South Devon National Landscape

Engaging residents and visitors to conserve, enhance, and and value the South Devon National Landscape. Projects include Farming in Protected Landscapes, Access for All, biodiversity projects in the estuaries, coast, and landscape including Life on the Edge - restoring coastal species-rich grasslands for endangered invertebrates.

Project Cost
Bioregional Learning Centre

Bioregional Learning Centre

Some of our work includes the UK's First River Charter for the Dart at Dartington and devondoughnut.org (based on the priciples of Doughnut Economics)

Less than 5
Project Cost


Host Climate and Nature Event with Local Sustainability Groups

Host Climate and Nature Event with Local Sustainability Groups

A joint project led by SMASH with speakers, stalls and networking opportunities

Project Cost
Connect Communities to Take Practical Carbon Saving Action

Connect Communities to Take Practical Carbon Saving Action

Transition Streets is an award-winning project that brings neighbours together

Project Cost
Create a Wildlife Corridor Along a River

Create a Wildlife Corridor Along a River

Yealm Estuary Moor aims to improve the health & biodiversity of the River Yealm

Project Cost