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Learning from an Exemplar Project: Yealm Estuary to Moor

Learning from an Exemplar Project: Yealm Estuary to Moor

On June 20th, several group leaders from rivers projects on the Erme, Avon and Dart met three leading members of Yealm Estuary to Moor to learn and gain inspiration. Find out more in our blog post from Rachael Tily.

June 27, 2023
Planning for a Nature-Friendly Future at the Devon Local Nature Partnership Conference

Planning for a Nature-Friendly Future at the Devon Local Nature Partnership Conference

The 2023 Devon Local Nature Partnership (LNP) Conference centred around identifying priorities and actions for the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS).With around 200 attendees, the LNP conference was a wonderful opportunity for those working across the spectrum of environmental organisations in Devon to connect, collaborate and develop ideas.

June 21, 2023
Discussing Scaling Earth Resource Management at June Gathering

Discussing Scaling Earth Resource Management at June Gathering

June's SusSH Group Leaders' Meeting saw a great turnout of leaders from across the South Hams discussing how we can move forward with projects around sharing, repairing, reducing and reusing.

June 18, 2023


Sustainable Marldon

Sustainable Marldon

Less than 5
Informal Network
Project Cost
Holbeton Parish Council Climate Change subcommittee

Holbeton Parish Council Climate Change subcommittee

Parish Council working group
Project Cost
Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve (Field Studies Council)

Slapton Ley National Nature Reserve (Field Studies Council)

Cirl bunting habitat restoration, biodiversity surveys, management plan delivery, woodland management, hedgerow and tree planting and much much more!

Project Cost


See the Possibilities of Long-Term Rewilding

See the Possibilities of Long-Term Rewilding

Dittiscombe Rewilding offers a great example of how land can be transformed

£5k - £50k
Project Cost
Connect Communities to Take Practical Carbon Saving Action

Connect Communities to Take Practical Carbon Saving Action

Transition Streets is an award-winning project that brings neighbours together

Project Cost
Encourage Biodiversity Profitably

Encourage Biodiversity Profitably

How Tallet Meadow Farm turned pasture land into productive orchards.

£5k - £50k
Project Cost