Energy Sense: We all use energy every minute of the day. Some things are essential like eating, breathing and moving! Most uses of energy can be modified to reduce consumption, reduce wasted energy and importantly create energy in a sustainable way.

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Energy: Buildings and Transport

Our houses could be more efficient with better insulation coupled with controlled ventilation giving more control over our usage. Our housing stock is one of the worst in Europe for leaky, badly insulated buildings. Government has recognised this and will provide, in many cases, grants to help cut energy waste, improve people’s comfort and save them money all at the same time. A well insulated property with solar panels and a heat pump will use very little precious energy with little of the pollution that fossil fuels emit. The earth is warming and the  need to reverse this is now a matter of urgency.

In this category, we aim to provide links to some of the organisations and projects who are there to advise and help the public in this important field. 

Check out our Resources for more information.


A Few New Mentors

A Few New Mentors

As part of our mission to connect community groups with support and inspiration, we’ve been expanding our base of mentors to encompass a wide range of knowledge and experience - read on for an introduction to a few of them.

January 29, 2024
Change Makers: Thermal Imaging Cameras

Change Makers: Thermal Imaging Cameras

The year got off to a flying start with a Change Makers event that proved so popular we had to change venue! Almost thirty attendees joined us in Totnes to understand more about the possibilities of using thermal imaging cameras with community groups.

January 15, 2024
Sustainable South Hams in 2023

Sustainable South Hams in 2023

Our recent Christmas Celebration gave us the chance to hear about some of your proudest achievements from 2023, and was also a reminder of how much has happened for Sustainable South Hams in the last year! Read on for a round up of where we’re at now, what we’re looking forward to, and the wide range of things we’ve been up to.

December 22, 2023


Devon Energy Collective

Devon Energy Collective

Our aim is to take action to address the climate emergency and to deliver the Devon Carbon Plan by creating a Devon that runs entirely on green energy. We believe that, rather than buying power from outside the country, we can produce clean, locally owned energy here in Devon. This will significantly boost our local economy, retaining approximately £1.76 billion in our county and creating a local industry and jobs across the region.

Project Cost
Sustainable Dittisham (SusDit)

Sustainable Dittisham (SusDit)

Habitat Review in progress, which has mapped the land owned or managed by the Parish Council, made suggestions for changes to the maintenance schedule and made suggestions for habitat enhancements. This will not only enhance the biodiversity of the area, but should also represent a year-on-year saving to maintenance costs. SusDit are members of DCEN - Devon Community Energy Network

Parish Council working group
Project Cost
South Brent Community Energy Society

South Brent Community Energy Society

The Society was established to take forward a medium size wind turbine project for the benefit of the community - the V27 wind turbine was installed in 2013. A photovoltaic array has also been installed on the local Recreation Association building. Surplus from these operations go towards the South Brent Community Energy Fund, which has awarded grants totalling almost £76,000 to energy saving projects in and around South Brent.

Community Association
Project Cost


Engage your Community with a Nature & Climate Fair

Engage your Community with a Nature & Climate Fair

Village summer Fair for South Brent with a focus on sustainability

£5k - £50k
Project Cost