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Discover local nature and climate groups and find out what your community is doing to reduce its carbon footprint and promote nature.

Devon Energy Collective

Devon Energy Collective

Our aim is to take action to address the climate emergency and to deliver the Devon Carbon Plan by creating a Devon that runs entirely on green energy. We believe that, rather than buying power from outside the country, we can produce clean, locally owned energy here in Devon. This will significantly boost our local economy, retaining approximately £1.76 billion in our county and creating a local industry and jobs across the region.

Project Cost
South Dartmoor Community Energy

South Dartmoor Community Energy

Tackling fuel poverty and climate change - community renewable energy, decarbonising housing

Project Cost
Apricot Centre CIC - Biodynamic Farm and Wellbeing Service

Apricot Centre CIC - Biodynamic Farm and Wellbeing Service

Biodynamic Farming, Wellbeing Services for children and families at the edge of potential, Permaculture Design Services for farms and estates in transition to regenerative practices, Education of Regenerative Farmers

Less than 5
Project Cost

Local Projects

Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Promote Your Wildlife-Friendly Spaces with Awards

Devon Wildlife Trust offers awards to gardens that support wildlife

Project Cost
Calculate and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Calculate and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Providing tools to help people understand their own carbon footprint

Local Events