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Bee-wild Yealmpton

Bee-wild Yealmpton

We began a perennial wildflower meadow project in our local park in 2018 and have since begun managing several road verges and an area of the churchyard for wildlife and wildflowers, working with SHDC. Our other activities include planting fruit and pollinator-friendly trees around the local area, running gardening schemes, holding summer competitions, planting spring bulbs and working with local community groups to host events and guided walks.

Community Association
Carbon Savvy

Carbon Savvy

Three personal carbon footprint calculators free of charge to help people understand their own carbon footprint and suggest the most effective ways to reduce it; Carbon Ambassadors Live online course: 8 sessions over 8 weeks (this has run three times). A comprehensive guide to carbon footprinting, with guest speakers; Carbon Savers bite-sized course: New course launching in October - 15 minute video sessions with accompanying materials, run once a month for ten months.

Sustainable Ashprington

Sustainable Ashprington

Community composting scheme; creating biodiverse village green space; tree planting and Ash dieback replacement; rewilding Churchyard; swift boxes; National Trust Woodland volunteers; new riverside woodland with public access; toad migration; litter picking. Our Parish also includes the nationally-known Sharpham Rewilding Project who are keen to support this group.

Informal Network
Wild About Loddiswell

Wild About Loddiswell

Enhancing biodiversity of verges and green spaces, working alongside the Devon Wildlife Trust Avon Valley Project. Campaigning to preserve old school field as a place for wildlife and people; hoping to plant a community orchard and create a pond. Encouraging wildlife-friendly gardening and creation of hedgehog highways. Investigating possibility of community composting. Organising wildlife walks led by local experts.

South Milton Climate And Nature Action

South Milton Climate And Nature Action

Bat conservation, hedgehog conservation, engaging with local landowners, home energy saving, exploring renewable energy generation

Informal Network
Dittisham Parish Council Working Group

Dittisham Parish Council Working Group

We have declared a climate & environmental emergency, we voted that we would consider the climate & environment in every decision and action, we have embedded that within our formal process and hire agreements, etc, we created an ongoing phased Habitat Plan to improve biodiversity on land we own or manage, and we are working on a wider Climate & Environment Plan.

Parish Council working group
Sustainable Stoke Fleming

Sustainable Stoke Fleming

Hedgehog Survey; Increasing biodiversity/wilding in Churchyard

Informal Network
Cornwood Environment Group

Cornwood Environment Group

Hedgehog survey and increasing biodiversity in the Churchyard

Informal Network
Devon Energy Collective

Devon Energy Collective

Our aim is to take action to address the climate emergency and to deliver the Devon Carbon Plan by creating a Devon that runs entirely on green energy. We believe that, rather than buying power from outside the country, we can produce clean, locally owned energy here in Devon. This will significantly boost our local economy, retaining approximately £1.76 billion in our county and creating a local industry and jobs across the region.